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About me


Laura Beddoe, Ted X speaker, Podcast producer, and Spiritual Business & Lifestyle Mentor.ᅠ

I take female leaders on a journey of rapid transformation teaching you how to play in the quantum field.

ᅠI am a leading expert in subconscious transformation, mixing somatics with strategy.ᅠ

I am deeply passionate about supporting women with feeling safe to follow their souls purpose and become iconic, I'm here for the woman that is ready to tap into her authority as a leader.ᅠ

I know what it's like to be broke & broken only 6.5 years ago I was made homeless with my 13-year-old son with nothing but a few bags full of our belongings after struggling in a relationship with domestic violence and losing my job. THAT WAS the PIVOTAL MOMENT EVERYTHING CHANGED.ᅠᅠ

I completely turned my life around, I had to unlearn everything that I was conditioned with that was keeping me stuck, small, and skint.

I had to learn the tools I now teach female leaders how to combine science, transformational psychotherapy, business strategy, and ancient wisdom techniques to create a life and business that is wildly successful.ᅠ

Guess what - If I can you can too.

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The Mission:

My mission is to take the shame out of selling and marketing your soulful services. To break generational trauma and conditioning to feel empowered and to create the ripple effect of positive change in every area of life. 


Company values:


-We love people. 

- We bring fun and passion. 

- We deliver our promises.

- We elevate and inspire.

- We are results-driven.

- We create spaces that are safe for vulnerability & courage. 

- We value emotional intelligence  



The long version of the story from broke and broken to six figures working three days a week around my beautiful daughter.


I set up my business in 2019 as The Healing Rooms through my own personal transformation and personal development of healing my life, I did a Reiki course and connected with my psychic gifts, which I describe as myinner knowings’ always being highly ambitious and entrepreneurial, I jumped in with both feet and started networking with like-minded women.


I launched my first holistic, festival retreat The Healing Fest which had to be pivoted online during the pandemic. 


All this time I was also going through a fertility journey that awakened me to somatic, embodiment work and the power of our unique divine feminine rhythms, hormones, and the link between the moon and the menstrual cycle. 


This is the thread that runs through my work it is aligning female leaders to understand their subconscious mind and the power of knowing their rhythms and cycles to thrive and know your own peak times of working, dating, and doing life!


Whilst organising The Healing Fest I fell pregnant with my daughter who was born during the lockdown during the pandemic and this was when I was invited to do my TedX to speak about thriving in adversity. I believe that during a breakdown is when we have our biggest breakthrough. It’s when we learn the most and have an opportunity to grow. 


After my daughter was born I came back to work. I was massively over-delivering and undercharging for my services. I knew I had to work on my money mindset which was run by lack and scarcity. Even tho I had sixteen years of sales and marketing experiance training independent gyms on structure and strategy, I felt like an imposter within the online space and was struggling with the fear of judgment that professionals wouldn't take me seriously.


I hired my first business coach and re-branded in 2021 as Laura Beddoe Coach & Mentor.


At the end of 2022, I felt ready and had enough experience to teach women how to build a sustainable, profitable business with longevity which launched my business mastermind The Sisterhood Shift combining all of my passions for supporting soul-awakened women to unlock their full potential, with business strategy and tactics to create wealth and how to do this without burn out or hustle. 


Ways to work with me:

The business mastermind for ambitious, female leaders that want to build an iconic brand, a sustainable business model, create an impact and generate wealth.

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Ways to work with me: 

Six months one to one mentorship for women that are going through a transition and ready to evolve their life. 


You have a business that you are ready to take to the next level, get more visible, become an authority, and sell with ease.

(A business is not required.)

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Monthly membership with no contract!ᅠ

Riseᅠ- to befullyᅠseen. Learn how to take up the space you deserve without guilt or fear of what other people think. Knowing you are worthy of pulling up your seat at any table.ᅠ

Reclaim your powerᅠand stand in your full sovereignty, take back all of the feelings of unworthiness, learn how to cut the cords from the past, and become the woman you dream about all the time. NO DREAM IS TOO BIG!

Rebirth as an authorityᅠreconnect with your dharma, find out what lights you up and learn how to place firm boundaries that create a freedom lifestyle that your heart yearns for.

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