Is a Witch Wound holding you back in your life?
Jan 14, 2023
The Witch Wound
What it is and what we can do about it?
I take pride in unlocking women's full potential and reconnecting them with their ‘dharma’ for a freedom lifestyle. To become the alchemist of their life.
Why is it that so many women hesitate to speak up about their interests in spiritual connection, angels, tarot, and herbal alternatives?
Why is it that many women feel shame about a normal bodily function like menstruating?
Why do many women feel uncomfortable really taking off the mask(s), being vulnerable, or listening to their intuition?
Part of the problem is they are AFRAID that they will stand out or that they don't fit in.
This stems from the Witch Wound.
Signs that you struggle with the witch wound are:
- You are afraid of success and to be fully ‘seen’
- Wanting to break free from cultural expectations but afraid to be different.
- Disconnection from the healing modalities used by your ancestors
- Feeling disembodied from yourself
- Oppression of your personal beliefs and the freedom of those beliefs
- Oppression of your emotions
- A mistrust of other women or men who are not in your “inner circle”
- A constant fear of violence being used against you
- Unexplained fear of water or fire.
I want to paint a picture as to why you may feel this way on a subconscious level and it holds you back in your career or relationships.
A resemblance to what happened only 340 years ago in the UK!
You finish your morning practice of body movement, you journal affirmations, and then meditate. When you hear a knock at the door.
You answer the door to see its three men that live in the neighborhood, they grab you and take you to the town center against your will.
They hoist you onto a platform where there’s a large stake coming up from the ground. They line you up with the stake, tie your hands behind your back, and when you finally look up, you see the faces of your neighbors. Your friends. People you don’t know.
One of the men begins to speak. “This is the persecution of {your name}, a witch. We will not tolerate witchery, abominations, or trickery in this village.”
As you struggle on the stake, your wrists burn from the friction against the rope you’ve been tied up with. You can’t believe this is happening. Who is going to stop this craziness? When you look out at the crowd, you see the faces of a few women who said you were ‘too outspoken’ and that you had made advances at their husband.’
You knowing you hadn’t! You are different (what is wrong with that?) They had made eyes with you because you were comfortable in your own skin.
You then pleaded your innocence but know one listened.
The fire was lit and you burned alive.
This was the harsh reality for thousands, I have worked with many women effected by this in my time as a coach.
It is beautiful to see women flourish once they know it is now safe to come back home to yourself, your body, your rituals to become whole.
How do we heal from this wound?
The first step is the awareness that this is a wound we need to give attention to. Awareness that it’s a collective, global, and pervasive wound. Awareness that we don’t have to subscribe to the narrative we’ve been born into and that the world reinforces.
After awareness and acceptance, we move into the “action” phase.
Feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
Knowing that it is ok for you to be a leader, to stand out, and to put your middle finger up to the shoulds.
Something we explore inside ‘The Wild Woman Inner Tribe’ membership community. I use a powerful healing technique that is fast with incredible results called, recoding and rewiring the subconscious.
This helps my clients to see where the root cause of the block stems from if it's generational trauma or a past life that your soul has been trapped within.
In the last session performed within the Wild Woman Inner Tribe a member had incredible results, unlocking her from The Witch Wound, now she has set up a spiritual community of her own, without fear of being seen in her light and with her spiritual gifts.
This session is available within the library of videos which you can access now.
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